Agriculture & Farm Power
Power Generators for the Agricultural Industry
Certain industries rely heavily on industrial generators to ensure smooth operations — agriculture is one of them. Farms need consistent and reliable power to run equipment and maintain seamless operations, regardless of the circumstances. This need has grown in today’s increasingly automated agricultural world, as complex systems require consistent power.
If unpredictable weather shuts the grid down, you can remain in operation.
If you’re a rural farm with off-grid operations, Global Power Supply offers a wide range of diesel and natural gas generators to meet your unique needs.
Whether you need extra power to run irrigation systems or a consistent energy supply for planting and harvesting, generators provide reliable electrical power for farms.
Supplemental or Backup Power for Agriculture
At Global Power Supply, we have been providing peace of mind to farmers and their families since 2004. We understand how power outages affect a farm’s bottom line. Production loss can be significant, and the consequences are immense for some.
When access to water relies on an electric pump from a well, for example, a loss of power is a frightening experience. Being without power for even an hour can be detrimental for large farms. Crops must be irrigated, freezers and coolers kept cold, animals need water, etc.
Generators can also help farms expand in areas without access to power. Commercial greenhouse generators, for example, can provide a solution to farmers in off-grid scenarios.